
Translation of company videos

Video is the future of marketing.
The “State of Video Marketing Survey 2020” found that 96% of users claimed to have watched videos in order to find out more about a product or service.

Why not increase the visibility of your company videos by making them available in other languages?

We can help you translate your videos through subtitling or voiceover.

video translation

Are you looking to translate your video?

Thanks to our extensive network of freelance translators specialising in audiovisual translation, we can help you localise the contents of your videos by adapting cultural elements to make them suitable for your target audience.

The professional services we offer:

  • creating/translating subtitles
  • translation and adaptation of video scripts
  • transcription
  • voiceover


YouTube videos

Corporate communication


Raffaella Moretti

Sono una traduttrice specializzata in web e marketing. Seguo i clienti di AlfaBeta che hanno bisogno di tradurre il sito web e coordino le attività della nostra scuola di formazione per traduttori, la European School of Translation.
Per ricaricare le batterie viaggio in giro per il mondo, coccolo i miei gatti e frequento le transenne di concerti rock.