
Translations for the humanities and social sciences

You need to translate a paper, essay or research report belonging to the field of humanities and social sciences, in order to publish and disseminate your findings internationally. Or perhaps you have a text in a foreign language that requires careful editing before being published. You already know you cannot rely on inexperienced translators to produce the polished text you envisioned. How to proceed?

You can turn to us and rest assured that your work will be handled by native-speaker editors and translators with years of experience in the field of humanities and social sciences.
Psychology, Pedagogy, Sociology, Linguistics, Economics: these are but a few of the scientific areas where we can help you translate your work, by producing a text ready for publication.

translations for the humanities and social sciences

How we do things

We go over your content and then choose the right translator, based on their previous experience in your scientific field. We review your previous work, agree on the field-specific terminology and style, and keep in touch with you throughout the entire process, to ensure your text is not only accurately translated, but also easy to read and understand in your target language.

Should you need it, we can take care of the complete drafting process, including handling the editing and proofreading of the final drafts.

Our services

Translation of essays

Linguistic editing


Translation of handouts and other class materials

Translation of PowerPoint presentations

Compilation of specialised glossaries

Translation of educational and e-learning materials

Translation of scientific reports

Translation and adaptation of questionnaires

Translation and adaptation of subtitles

“AlfaBeta is a true partner. To say that they supported us throughout the translation process would be an understatement. Suffice it to recall the end-to-end translation and typesetting of our catalogues in InDesign, not to mention the level of integration of their tools for the translation of our website into different languages. If you're looking for reliability, look no further!”

Vincenzo Mastrobattista – ELLECI

Raffaella Moretti

Sono una traduttrice specializzata in web e marketing. Seguo i clienti di AlfaBeta che hanno bisogno di tradurre il sito web e coordino le attività della nostra scuola di formazione per traduttori, la European School of Translation.
Per ricaricare le batterie viaggio in giro per il mondo, coccolo i miei gatti e frequento le transenne di concerti rock.