
AlfaBeta’ Blog

The Importance of Your Reputation Online

The Importance of Your Reputation Online

Some people say that "having a bad reputation is better than no reputation at all," and while that might be true for certain areas of life, I can assure you that for the world of social media it is not. Social media, while a resourceful tool, is unforgiving if you act...

Translation Trends Across Social Media

Translation Trends Across Social Media

Every business owner has multiple social media accounts under his or her belt, this is a given. With social media comes a wider reach of customers and followers and ways to connect with them on a deeper level. However, with a tool that connects you with people on a...

Why IGTV is Not Doing Well for Instagram

Why IGTV is Not Doing Well for Instagram

    When Instagram released their new add-on IGTV people were thrilled with the idea. IGTV was created for users to make vertical, original content that could be 10-60 minutes long.  It was assumed that with their continued dominance over snapchat...

Interview with Giovanni Visone from Intersos

Interview with Giovanni Visone from Intersos

Last month AlfaBeta had the pleasure of interviewing Giovanni Visone from the NGO Intersos (one of our clients). In the interview we briefly discuss what Intersos does as an organization and how they have been handling the immigration crisis in regards to...

5 Ways to Launch a Successful Social Media App

5 Ways to Launch a Successful Social Media App

Social media applications are wonderful tools that can be beneficial for any company trying to expand their growth. They help form personal connections between the consumer and the owner, they can provide an easier alternative for buying/selling items and overall they...

Review of the Amazon Spark App

Review of the Amazon Spark App

  In 2017 Amazon released a new social media application called Spark as a way to improve product discovery. It is supposed to be a network that allows people to come together and connect based on shared interests as well as uncover new products that fit their...

How Social Media Platforms Use Colors to Manipulate You

How Social Media Platforms Use Colors to Manipulate You

People spend the majority of their day using social media networks, despite what has been said about certain platforms on the news; Everyone is so attached to social media that they have grown used to the idea that their data is being collected, that a FBI agent is...

6 Ways to Have a Successful Social Media Campaign

6 Ways to Have a Successful Social Media Campaign

Whether you are a corporate company in need of a great marketing strategy or a nonprofit trying to make some noise for a cause, social media campaigns are a smart way to get your business out there. It is impossible to ignore the benefits that social media has on...

Social Media Activism Part 2: Strength in Numbers

Social Media Activism Part 2: Strength in Numbers

  As previously discussed, social media activism has completely changed the way movements are created and organized throughout the world. However, there is more to these online protests than the hashtags made in their names. Social media activism has also bridged...

The Top 10 Ways Social Media can Benefit Your Business

The Top 10 Ways Social Media can Benefit Your Business

  Over the course of the last decade, social media has transformed from a simple connection tool to a worldwide marketing strategy for so many different types of businesses. If you are a business owner and do not have social media, you are truly missing out on...

Raffaella Moretti

Sono una traduttrice specializzata in web e marketing. Seguo i clienti di AlfaBeta che hanno bisogno di tradurre il sito web e coordino le attività della nostra scuola di formazione per traduttori, la European School of Translation.
Per ricaricare le batterie viaggio in giro per il mondo, coccolo i miei gatti e frequento le transenne di concerti rock.