
Today’s digital world is constantly changing, and more and more users are interested in a user experience that roots its copy and microcopy on the principles of accessibility and inclusivity. Why should you improve your website with inclusive and accessible UX writing?

In this digital age in which we are living, how users want to browse online has changed. In fact, 65% of consumers worldwide now prefer brands that champion diversity and inclusivity. (Kantar Global MONITOR, 2021). Moreover, 10% of the global population identifies with the LBTQ+ community (LGBT+ Pride 2021 Global Survey) and 16% of the global population is living with some form of disability (World Health Organization). Many websites are now rethinking their copy on the basis of this data, taking the social identities of their ideal customers for their products or services into account.

What is inclusive UX writing?

UX writing is the process of creating suitable copy and microcopy for website and application interfaces that takes user interests and habits into account. To devise inclusive UX writing, it is crucial to communicate in a way that does not exclude anyone. The goal is to create a welcoming online experience for everyone by considering various cultural and linguistic differences.

Why is inclusivity important for the UX writing of your website?

Nowadays, inclusivity is not only an ethical concern; it is also becoming a driving force in business and marketing. An inclusive user experience doesn’t exclude anyone, leading to higher user engagement. When you choose to build an interface with inclusive UX writing that seeks to represent and respect people, you encourage customers to come back to your website. What’s more, inclusive UX writing can help prevent any controversies or legal problems that could arise from discriminatory content.

Accessibility in UX writing: guaranteeing equal access

Inclusive UX writing plays a crucial role in connecting with users – but it’s not the only aspect to keep in mind. As mentioned earlier, 16% of the global population is made up of people living with disabilities who need accessible digital content to be free of visual, hearing, or cognitive obstacles. Using alternative text for images, avoiding moving elements on a website or distracting music in the background are just some of the ways you can make an accessible UX experience for everyone.

Essential elements for inclusive and accessible UX writing

What are the hallmarks of inclusive and accessible UX writing? What can a copywriter do to create suitable copy for a user experience aimed at a wide audience? Here are our 4 tricks to make your copy accessible and inclusive for every single one of your users.

1. Change your perspective: choose the right words

By understanding the diversity of your customers, you won’t run the risk of excluding anyone through your communication. Use language that doesn’t alienate the user while surfing the web due to their gender, sexual orientation, religion, skin colour or because of a sensory, cognitive or physical characteristic. Pay attention to the words you use on your website and make sure the message remains coherent and inclusive if translated.

2. Simplicity and clarity

Using an empathetic and inclusive tone in your copy will make users feel respected and heard. Avoid terms or expressions that could harm or exclude groups of people. Keep it short and simple: use clear sentences, inclusive terms, active voice and simple constructions that don’t focus on technical terminology linked to the sector – this would alienate your clientele.

3. Make your website intuitive, accessible and inclusive

Look after the user’s online experience: guide them and help them navigate your site. Users prefer clear, simple and intuitive websites for easy reading. Let your customers personalize their site experience when possible to adapt the interface to their needs – for example, by changing the font size or background colour. Make sure your copy is compatible with assistive technologies such as screen readers. Avoid using animation or pop up elements that could create navigation problems and exclude some of your users.

4. Feedback is important!

The end users of your website are your greatest resource. Don’t be afraid to ask them for feedback to help improve your site’s interface. Carry out tests with users who have different specifications (e.g. DHD, dyslexia, visually impaired users etc.) to assess copy usability and accessibility. Continue to improve your interface with the help of copywriters and translators.


Investing in inclusive and accessible UX writing is a powerful marketing move that can optimize and enhance the user experience. Creating an online environment that is open to everyone and adapted to their needs and specifications will help build loyalty, making users feel comfortable and happy to return to your website. Don’t underestimate this step. Expand your communication with quality, inclusive and accessible copywriting that will help your interface welcome a wider audience. Don’t waste time. Get in touch!

Rachael Chambers

Rachael is a young but talented colleague, who specializes in translations from French and English into Italian. After graduating in the UK, she moved to Italy where she taught English as a foreign language to Italian students and where she learnt the real Italian she needs to fully understand the source texts and translate them into English. She has also worked as an intern at AlfaBeta's office in Rome and is now one of our youngest freelancers.

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