
Multilingual SEO

Want to translate your website in order to introduce yourself to the world? Great choice! The web is the ideal medium to grow your business. However, a simple translation is not enough to achieve your online goals. You need a multilingual SEO strategy.

We translate the contents of your website with the help of professional, native-speaker translators. But we don’t stop there. We help you optimise your content for the search engines in your target markets, an activity known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Multilingual SEO

How we do things

A recipe for success

Optimising content for search engines requires both technical and linguistic skills. We combine our coding expertise with a knowledge of foreign languages to deliver a multilingual website that actively contributes to your success. We select keywords in any language, helping international search engines understand the topic of your web pages and recommend them to users who are looking for your products or services.

The right words

The choice of keywords is an essential step to improved visibility on search engines, making it possible for people to find you, at which point persuading your customers becomes equally important. We write, translate, and adapt content, finding the right words to win over search engines and readers.

Let’s talk

Your needs are always square one for us.

To find out more about how we can help you, book a free first meeting: you tell us about your projects and we tell you how we do things.

Raffaella Moretti

Sono una traduttrice specializzata in web e marketing. Seguo i clienti di AlfaBeta che hanno bisogno di tradurre il sito web e coordino le attività della nostra scuola di formazione per traduttori, la European School of Translation.
Per ricaricare le batterie viaggio in giro per il mondo, coccolo i miei gatti e frequento le transenne di concerti rock.

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