
Case study

Translation of an e-commerce website into 5 languages

Translating your website is the first step towards internationalizing your company: a strategic investment that is often underestimated

Why you need a multidisciplinary team

AGRAS DELIC has been working in the pet food sector for more than twenty-five years with the aim of bringing quality to animal food, by using raw ingredients chosen with the same care as those selected for human consumption. The company distributes wet and dry pet food internationally in 50 countries around the world and, through an efficient logistics system, is able to supply both small stores and department stores in a timely manner.

Agras Delic chose AlfaBeta to translate its flagship brand website, Schesir, into 5 languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, German and French).

Schesir website in Spanish

The challenges of a multilingual e-commerce website translation project

In summary:

  • WordPress website
  • Translation Management Plugin: WPML
  • Product catalogue built with Woocommerce
  • Advanced Custom Fields
  • 5 languages to translate
  • Approximately 250 products in various references
  • Over 90,000 words
  • 70% repetitions
  • 5 weeks of work

Translating a website may be a seemingly simple task but it hides many technical and management risks.

In many cases, clients turn to unskilled translators who follow inefficient procedures, such as copying content to text files and manually re-entering translations into the backend. This seemingly simpler and cheaper option is actually more expensive as it often involves additional work (e.g. SEO optimization, integrating missing content, adapting the layout, etc.).

Since Schesir’s website is rich in content and has a high level of customization, translating texts by managing files manually would not have been possible. It was a very challenging project in many ways: in addition to handling the translation of a high volume of words into 5 languages on a tight deadline, we had to face a series of technical problems related to the compatibility of website components with the WPML plugin. The website architecture was rather complex and included the use of various plugins, a page builder (WP Bakery) and several custom fields created with Advanced Custom Fields.

The possibility of being immediately put in touch with Comunico, the communications agency that manages the client’s website, was fundamental for us.

Schesir website translated into Portuguese

Managing complexity

We proposed an optimized time management solution to the client, reduced the percentage of technical problems and guaranteed the best possible quality of translations, thanks to the use of CAT tools and the teamwork of our translators.

Initial analysis: WPML compatibility check

Pre-Production: Proactive Debugging

Translation process: coordinated teamwork

Final sanity check: verification of the correct insertion of translations and final adjustments

Initial Analysis

WPML compatibility check

To provide a reliable quote, it is necessary to obtain an accurate estimate of the volume of content to be translated by extracting it from the website. WPML allows you to export website content in an .xliff format, an xml-based standardized format designed for localization. In this way, it is possible to use assisted translation software (CAT Tools) that optimizes the translation process while allowing content repetitions to be taken into account.

In our case, because we were working with a product catalogue, the internal repetitions were quite high, and the use of CAT tools was essential to reduce translation times and costs.

In collaboration with the communications agency and with the support of WPML engineers, we carried out an analysis of plugin compatibility with WPML, and subsequently some content export and translation tests. This procedure allowed us to identify content that had not been correctly identified as translatable text strings by WPML.

This verification phase is essential to obtain an accurate estimate and to avoid problems arising in an later stage of the project that would cause an increase in cost and production times.


Proactive debugging

Following the identification of compatibility issues, working in strict collaboration with Comunico and with the support of WPML engineers, we customized the WPML configuration file to make missing strings and custom fields translatable to obtain a complete export of all content to be translated.

Solving technical problems before starting production is very useful to ensure that translators work on complete files from the beginning of the project.

E-commerce Website Translation Process

Coordinated teamwork

For this project we took on 5 professional native translators (one for each language) who worked as a team on a platform, where they could collaboratively solve terminological issues and adopt a consistent style in all 5 target languages. During the production phase, the customer was always available to answer the translators’ questions and this made it possible to reduce revision and quality control times.

Working side by side with the client and with their colleagues allows translators to get answers quickly, which further ensures greater consistency of linguistic and stylistic choices.

Final sanity check

Verifying translation strings are correctly placed and making final adjustments

After completing and submitting translations, the linguists working on the project were able to check the texts published on the site, identify any formatting and layout problems, as well as test navigation and check the links worked, etc.

It’s important that translations are checked by linguists in the target language, who will be able to view their translated strings in context, reporting any issues to web developers in a timely manner.

Contact us to find out how we can meet your needs!